As I sit here...

drinking my coffee, looking into my back yard, what a difference from the scene that only happened 2 weeks ago! I remember looking through the window with my husband late Sunday night to see flurries filling the air, So beautiful! The last time I saw this, I was in high school and it was in Michigan. So experience with snow is definitely not my speciality. According to the weather report, it would be around 12 degrees, so starting Friday, Rob bubble wrapped to our 35 year old windows. I honestly thought he was over reacting but now...this is the reason during the power outages our house stayed at a toasty 57 degrees. These power outages were not timed! And with a toddler, anytime the beep of power went off, I was scrambling to make chicken nuggets for the bub and a warm meal for my husband and I. On Tuesday, we had a pipe burst in the garage, and at the same time, the water to our neighborhood stopped flowing. I was stressed. I wish I could have felt joy and excitement on that second snow on Thursday. But instead dread. And now sitting here...knowing that that week is over, I wish I took a moment like I am now to appreciate the beauty of the glistening snow.