Backyard discoveries...

...are a constant in this household. My little guy loves to bring me leaves and dandelions to blow their seeds...all over my! Recently, I have been letting my kitty cat, Carl in the backyard with us. I was so concerned having him outside with us because for a while, he was quite a scared cat. Since Isaac was born, he loves hanging out with anyone who is willing to give him cuddles. When we first moved into our house, my husband and I were workaholics. It is amazing how after having our kiddo we have gone back to basics and really appreciate things. I guess that's what kids can do. I know my perspective has changed so dramatically since my little bub was born.and I am so thankful for that change. Because now, I get to grab my camera, and sit here listening to the birds chirp, watch Carl relax in the sun by the house, and there is Isaac bending down to pick up a rock that will be in my hand in a second to show me his latest discovery.